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Education vs. Schooling


The cost of college and public schools education quality are two of the main political issues now in the United States. The progressives believe that we should spend more on K-12 education, although we already spend the most per student, and create a federal standard for school curriculum and force the states to adopt it, hence common core. For college education, the progressives are pushing for plans to make the college free, which means that the taxpayers will pay for everyone’s college education regardless of whether they need or deserve such education. Conservatives on the other side are pushing for school choice, teacher accountability and the return of education powers to the local school boards which are all good ideas if your goal is to make public schools function better, but nobody is seriously considering the role all levels of government are playing in education. Are public schools necessary?

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How do banks work?


Banks play a large role in the economy. This post will shed some light on banks and the role of central banks in the economy and how they could create major economic problems with monetary policy.

First, let’s start with the basics. A bank is a corporation that accepts deposits from customers and uses these funds to give loans. Banks offer interest to account owners and charge interest on loans and the difference between the amount of interest they get from loans and what they pay to account owners will be the bank profit.

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